Минпромторг России представил проект Стратегии развития реабилитационной индустрии Российской Федерации на период до 2030 года

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Байкал получил новые воздушные ворота

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4 Ноября 2016

Introducing the ORLAS CREATOR 3D Metal Printer

Introducing the ORLAS CREATOR 3D Metal Printer

OR LASER will unveil its new direct metal additive manufacturing platform and ecosystem, developed and designed for small and medium enterprises, at Formnext 2016.

Dieburg, Germany; 7th November, 2016: At the upcoming Formnext exhibition in Frankfurt (15-18 November 2016) visitors to the show, as well as the additive manufacturing (AM) industry itself, will be introduced to the new ORLAS CREATOR metal additive manufacturing machine.

Unlike many other entrants into the AM sector, OR LASER will not be demonstrating a development concept during its debut years ahead of roll-out — this is a fully working platform that will be 3D printing metal parts on the show floor. With a production strategy in place and a well-earned reputation for meeting its machine production commitments, OR Laser plans to begin shipping the ORLAS CREATOR in 2017.

When OR LASER first began researching direct metal AM more than three years ago, the main focus quickly became to make the technology capabilities more accessible. Considerable market research demonstrated that metal AM had tremendous potential for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), particularly in the jewellery, dentistry, and medical sectors as well as for smaller engineering firms and laboratories. However, until now, this size of organisation has been priced out of the metal AM market with no commercially viable options available to them.

This is precisely the type of organisation that OR LASER had in mind when developing the ORLAS CREATOR and the ecosystem around it. With an impressive and contemporary design, the ORLAS CREATOR is a contained hardware system. The build platform is original in design and functionality, an innovative blade design ensures smooth operation and increased build speeds that produce parts up to 30% faster.

In terms of safe operation in smaller facilities, the ORLAS CREATOR utilises a cartridge materials handling system. Filled cartridges can be supplied by OR LASER, but the company keenly recognises the need for an open material system, and operates accordingly. Moreover, parts produced on the ORLAS CREATOR offer resolution comparable with higher spec machines on the market.

OR LASER has also worked hard on developing the right operating ecosystem for the ORLAS CREATOR, with sophisticated software and interface developments. This means that no third party software is required to run the machine and eliminates additional costs of running. In fact, OR LASER intentionally minimises dependence on third parties across its operations — the company is not a machine integrator, but rather a machine producer with more than 80% of the hardware produced in house as well.

With a firm belief that the market exists for a metal AM machine at this spec and price, OR LASER is very much looking forward to introducing the machine at Formnext, and monitoring visitor reactions.

A launch event for press will be held 15 November, Messe Frankfurt, Hall 3.1, Booth E70 at 10.45 am.

About Formnext

The 2016 edition of Formnext will take place at Messe Frankfurt, 15-18 November. The event will feature the latest developments in additive manufacturing and how they complement and interact with conventional technologies. This will uncover new potential in the entire manufacturing process, from design to serial production. Amongst the exhibitors are the world's leading manufacturers in additive manufacturing technologies.

About O.R. Lasertechnologie GmbH

Producer of Industrial Laser Systems

Since founding O.R. Lasertechnologie GmbH in September 1997, Yhushua Resnik and Uri Resnik have steadfastly pursued the goal of developing new applications for lasers in materials processing and innovative laser technologies for a wide range of customers in the metal- and plastics-processing industries.

The company’s comprehensive portfolio of products is the outcome of unceasing efforts to build on and apply many years of practical experience in the fields of laser welding and cladding.

Development and manufacture of laser equipment in Germany for companies that include Siemens, Bosch, Geberit, Freudenberg, and General Electric.

Solutions for the automotive and aerospace, mechanical engineering, electrical, medical, plastics, and tool- and mold making industries

Managing directors: Yhushua Resnik and Uri Resnik

Company Information

Own branches: 6

International distributors and customer service providers: 30

Employees in Germany: 70

RD department: 20 staff

Market share: 25% worldwide across all relevant industries

Contact Data

O.R. Lasertechnologie GmbH

Dieselstrasse 15

64807 Dieburg, Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 6071-209 89 0 Fax: +49 (0) 6071-209 89 99 www.or-laser.com


US Office

O.R. Lasertechnology Inc.

1420 Howard Street

Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

Press Contact

Eric Herrmann

Phone: +49 (0) 6071-209 89 – 38 Email: e.herrmann@or-laser.de

Кол-во просмотров: 13436